A brief
history of Bangali Technologies

Bangali Technologies has some history of walking the path. This includes planning of Bangali Technologies, initiatives to implement the plan, as well as variable implementation. All this history inspires Bangali Technologies to move forward.

Today Present
Change Generation

We have started with a combination of hard work, indomitable morale and even our unique thinking which gives a new message to the world.

July 2021
Advance Thinking

Technology is now controlling the whole world and this technology is behind the operation of the economic infrastructure of every country.

January 2020
Parent Company

Now, it is known as the parent company of our many brand. Then we started add new brands to our company using our subtle thinking and strong morale.

October 2019
Incorporation License

To release our innovation for worldwide than we complete the license of our company which name is Bangali Technologies Limited.

January 2018
Brand Innovation

Notable brand is include Noroup, Authod, Loptos, Petailer, SecondReload, WorkingDone, Incontinue and many more products and services.

June 2017
Implement Brand

We add a variety of product and service to make Joomri.com a complete brand such as Joomri Connect, Joomri Map, Joomri Drive and many more.

December 2015
Brand Elevation

Later with some more new experiences our company name was redefined as Joomri which is now known as an important brand of our company.

April 2013
Name Innovation

After 'Confirmtech' our company name was changed to 'Dotteambd'. Then our company name was again changed to 'Workplacebd' and 'BangaliGroup'.

February 2011
Company Name

We decided to name our company as 'Confirmtech'. From then on, we started working regularly in technology for new innovation in the world.

March 2009
Started Innovation

We have a lot to do further developing the world's technology. So we begin our journey by witnessing various obstacles and experiences.

August 2008
Journey Inspired

Originally our journey was started by big technology companies and inspired by their technological presence in the world.
